Inspired by Life!
Discover the sharing of amazing wonders, creations inspired by the art of life. Indulge yourself in the spirit of hope, love and perseverance through creativity!

Make It an Adventure for Discovery
Keep exploring the old and new. Know how you want your life defined. Find your meaning while you evolve.

There is a Reason
Don’t assume control to prove yourself. Let not knowing guide you to knowing. Try alternate perspectives to find out more.

Study to Realize
Learn to find out. Let your mind wander freely to know. Relate to everything that surrounds you.

Return to Your Inner Purity
Let yourself have moments free from the roles. Never stop discovering. Keep returning to who you are.

Consciously Compare
Know your purpose when you choose to compare. Be curious to discover. Work not for or against anything.

Don’t involve yourself in every situation. Observe with care and respect. Leave space for growth.

I Will Become Who I’m Meant to Be
Keep going to learn. Grow without having to prove. Stay positive and grateful for all that occurs.

Why Erase the Slate and Start Anew?
Enjoy the world as a playground for learning. Start anew to keep growing. Recognize the past to create new paths to explore.

Live to Learn, Have Fun Growing!
Play to learn. Find growth in any situation. Have fun living!

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing
Carry only what you can handle. Understand that knowing isn’t control. Make room to gather more.