Inspired by Life!
Discover the sharing of amazing wonders, creations inspired by the art of life. Indulge yourself in the spirit of hope, love and perseverance through creativity!
Serving with Purpose
Know your purpose without expectations. Accept the unexpected. Concentrate on what you can control. Trust in the process.
You Have the Power Within
Trust what your heart tells you. Experience Life and believe in your power within. Feel yourself to understand.
Hardship Will Strengthen
Trust in the gifts of Life during hardships. Grow with your experience. Believe in what you’re becoming.
Let It Work Through You
Trust in Life to work with it. Know that you have a part and are loved. Try not to be separated from Life.
Trusting the Inspiration
Be flexible with what Life offers. Keep focusing on the present while listening for more. Follow where Life leads.
Doing isn’t Always an Action
Physical proof is not always required. Do what aligns with you to contribute. Quietly being is enough.
Follow Your Heart
Be patient with your journey. Trust in what your heart tells you. Believe in your path, even if it’s different.
Enjoy Your Role as You Are
Believe in yourself as you are. Don’t fight to prove or be heard. Trust and enjoy growing into yourself.
Dealing with Duality
Be aware of your perception when presented with duality. Assess the full picture before drawing a conclusion. Avoid muddled thoughts to follow your intuition.
We Are What We Choose to Become
Persistently nurture who you are. Don’t get caught up in external perceptions. Believe to become.