We Are What We Choose to Become

~Thou cannot see from outside of thee, thou can only feel and think from within~ 

They projected light and confidence, but they couldn’t see what they projected. They could only feel from their body and think from their knowledge. They desired to know what others saw but they could only guess and trust what they thought. Why did they carry a niggling doubt in who they are? Was it possible to be rid of that and believe in what others saw? Without truly seeing, it was easy for them to doubt.  

In time, they chose to envision what they strived to present and held that vision whenever they met with others. The confidence they gave their vision eventually became their practice and they no longer were at a loss in seeing their actions. What they chose to become became them. 

In life, there will be many small journeys of not knowing that takes trust to conquer. We can’t always witness what we offer to the world, but we can know from the stories we feed our minds. What we believe and envision is true when we persistently nurture it and trust in its existence. We are what we choose to believe in every moment. 



When Facing Limitations


Trust in the Process