Study to Realize
I’ve lived my life with an interest in psychology and martial arts. I’ve studied in classes, read different books, attended information sessions relating to the topics and searched for its application in everyday life. I’m not drawn to earn a degree or create a career from either interest, but I do love to continuously study and connect the applications. I consider myself to be a lifelong student in the Academy of Life. For me, the wonder of studying is realizing that I already carry the information and have applied it in my life. This always brings me back to my belief that I am a part of the Universe and am guided through my journey, even if I’m not conscious of it. I can’t explain why I suddenly want to watch a lecture; a book title catches my interest, or I start searching for something on Google, I just know that I feel curious and want to find out.
Reading or studying can turn into a form of meditation. To concentrate on what you’re reading, you need to clear your mind and be open to the message. With fiction, you allow your imagination to transport you to another world and situation to relate to. With non-fiction, you open your mind to the information and let your mind wander through the connections it draws. Letting your reading time be a time of release from reality and giving your mind the freedom to wander makes it more receptive to things you don’t tend to be conscious of. I love to use this clear mind wandering method in any different situation I find myself in. I love the connections and realizations I end up drawing when I’m watching a movie or observing my surroundings.
Overall, studying isn’t only about reading or learning information, it’s also about opening ourselves up to understand our surroundings, draw connections and being receptive to the subtle guidance Life sends us. Learning isn’t only for proving how knowledgeable we are or to obtain proof of our skills, it’s a personal endeavor to satisfy the innate curiosity within. Let yourself be amazed with what you already know and continue finding more!
Photo By: Ben White
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