Live to Learn, Have Fun Growing!

I am part of a martial arts family. Even though physical activity isn't for me, I've been intrigued with martial arts philosophy since I was a child. I loved the years of following my husband to the dojo to watch him train in class and listen to the lesson for life applications. I love how the process towards physical skills is also applicable mentally and spiritually. It’s a beauty to see how martial arts is applicable in all situations. 

 I recently came across this video Why Everyone Stopped Sparring by Jesse Enkamp. The information about learning reminded me of why I love to approach life with childlike enthusiasm, concentrate on growth and view the world as a playground for learning. My brain is so much more receptive when I’m out for fun and growing. 

 For me, I imagine sparring to be like a situation where we push ourselves to achieve. This could be the office, classroom or in a game with friends. If entered with a concentration on success or recognition, there's little room to flow with what happens and learn from what is. It's okay to have a wild idea and share it without knowing it fully if your intention is to learn and you find the fun in learning. Not every endeavor is for proving ourselves to others, some are simply because we’re curious to grow or need a new challenge. 

 This video really touched me because it reminded me of how it is that I enjoy my life despite my circumstances. I wanted to share it because the world has become too serious and there's too much concentration on should and being correct. As our natural animal selves, we're allowed to have fun while improving and being. There will be moments when seriousness is necessary and it's up to us to find the balance for an optimum experience. There is nothing we can't handle and there's no circumstance that isn't meant for us unless we believe it not to be. You can be fearless of failure if you’re willing to learn. 



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