Leaving the Haunting Shackles

They worked on knowing who they were, but the echo of judgement haunted them. They knew it was words projected by others, but they couldn’t understand why the words repeated. Does repetition mean that the words are true? Is there a way to get beyond the haunting shackles? 

They imagined that to face fears, it had to be looked at straight on but this time, they needed to pull away and leave it behind. Were they brave enough to let go of the weight that became a comfort to them? Were they strong enough to start anew? There was no way for them to know. They could only choose to listen to their heart and trust that life took care of them. Only through trying would they get closer to knowing. 

In life, we all have moments when we need to shift ahead. We think we feel ready to go forward but we can get pulled back by the memories that haven’t been dealt with. We think what has been with us for a long time must be right, but it holds us and keeps us from moving forward. Questions arise as to why moving is wise, but we will never know until we make the move. Sometimes, we need to be more curious about what we don’t know to break free and grow. 



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