Time to Update the Warrior Mindset

For decades, I had to turn up my consciousness to accommodate epilepsy. I was readiness to receive alterations to my circumstances and to react to the consequences of my disability. I made myself ready to make quick decisions, encounter fear from others and respond to dissuade worry. In my stroke recovery, seizures are no longer there but it was difficult to differentiate my sensations from the seizures. As I become more conscious that I don't have to be ready for epilepsy, I notice that I've become more consumed with fear, something I didn't carry when epilepsy was with me.  

Reading about the warrior and victim mindsets in The Pen and Sword Journal: Warrior Mindset vs. Victim Mindset  inspired me to realize that I was in a warrior mindset that is no longer required today. I don't have to prepare for disruption to my circumstances, fear from others or to dissuade worry. Yes, such occurrences could still trigger that mindset but not due to epilepsy. I don't have to be on guard 24/7. 

I hadn't realized that the lack of consistent tough situations would cause my mentality to become tepid and divert to victimization. I was continuously preparing for what is no longer there instead of living as I am today, and I was predicting peoples’ reactions instead of accepting it as it comes. It started to feel like an impossibility to enjoy an outing away from home. Now it’s time to take all the treasures of the mindset that helped me to survive and adjust it to my current reality. I am still a warrior at heart, but I don't have to be a constant warrior. I'm free to live in the moment, believe in my plans and enjoy life as it happens. It's time to update my warrior mindset! 



Leaving the Haunting Shackles


Differences Can Often Be Hard to Receive