It Happens Because It’s Meant To Be

Everything is happening for a reason. 

Even if you don’t yet understand,  

Or decide that it’s not a like,  

It happens because it’s meant to be.  


It happens because it’s meant to be,  

Accept with patience to feel full meaning.  

Even if you don’t yet understand,  

It’s offered to encourage growth.  


It’s offered to encourage growth,  

Be gentle with what you don’t yet know.  

Accept with patience to feel full meaning,  

It will become part of you when you’re ready.  


It will become part of you when you’re ready,  

Keep searching and aiming for your dreams.  

Be gentle with what you don’t yet know,  

Believe in being loved within the universe.  


Believe in being loved within the universe,  

Even if you don’t yet understand.  

Keep searching and aiming for your dreams,  

It happens because it’s meant to be. 


 Written after training my mind to not feed the unconscious doubts that were popping up. My new choice is to believe that everything happens because it’s meant to. Even if I don’t understand it or like how it feels, it’s easier to flow when accepting that everything happens as part of a process beyond myself. This gave my mind more room to accept and decide how I want to feel instead of being judgmental. 


Choose Your Thoughts Wisely


I Have No Idea What I’m Doing