Feel Your Way to Success and Know With Your Heart

What is failure if you're still on your path of life?
Must we know our exact path?
Is knowing necessary for experience?
What if being has nothing to do with knowing?
Feel your way to success and know with your heart.

The road offers direction while suggesting turns,
What appeared correct could lead astray.
The destination chosen could become old news,
What appears as mishap could be your guide.
What is failure if you're still on your path of life?

Knowledge doesn't assume all knowing,
Temporary control doesn't elevate power.
What was unnecessary could be detrimental,
We know where we want to go but do we know how we'll get there?
Must we know our exact path?

Thinking we know narrows our mind,
Expert is assuming that there's an end.
How can we fill when what's already full?
Flowing is choosing to ride changes,
Is knowing necessary for experience?

To be is to live without controlling,
Thinking too much prevents feeling.
Knowing too much is to turn away from growth,
Is knowing going to prove more power?
What if being has nothing to do with knowing?

Know enough of what you require to lead the way,
Listen to your instincts to connect your being.
Try not to choose between mind and heart,
Balance who you are and relinquish controlled thoughts,
Feel your way to success and know with your heart.




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