
“Don't compare yourself.” they say.
Yet, what if you do but not against?
What if a comparison draws a likeness?
Couldn't comparisons be helpful if no competition for better was present?

When comparing to a greatness,
It sets a new height to strive for.
It reflects hidden desires,
Or it's a realization for what's already possessed.

Without intention to be the best,
Likeness is a comfort.
Difference is a motivator,
Balance enlightens involvement.

Comparisons can be a danger to us, depending on what context we choose to apply. If our mind is set on being the best, then we let our ego take over while we're comparing. If our intention is to grow, then a comparison helps set a goal. With an open mind, I find the process of comparison presents realizations, sets new aspirations and draws out appreciation. With humble intentions, comparing helps us to recognize relations, detects personal imperfections to improve and creates a balance that is connection instead of division.


Every Change is Progress


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