Experience That Led to Awakening
They felt abandoned,
They felt traumatized.
They were saddened,
They felt disempowered.
~Experience that led to awakening ~
They found strength within for self-care,
They found a way to nurture their self.
They felt glad to know their ability,
They discovered independent empowerment.
Looking back at the maladies in their life, they recalled feeling abandoned and traumatized. The memories saddened them for they had felt disempowered in that moment. Seeing what was from now, they recognized how their experiences led them to awaken. They found self-care within to relieve abandonment, and they knew how to nurture their self to rise above the trauma. They could now look back and be grateful for their abilities. Due to the maladies endured, they now could recognize the independent empowerment that arose from their times of need.
Photo By: Tim Mossholder https://unsplash.com/@timmossholder
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