Try to Find the Positive
In their life, they were known as a positive person. People remembered them as a cheerful person who kept getting up after Life threw them challenges. They often heard the phrase, ‘Just be positive!’ and didn’t believe in it. For them, it was their effort to try to find the positive (the lesson to help them grow) that fueled their hope, strengthened their understanding that everything did happen for a reason and gave them patience to let the Divine process come to completion. Nobody could tell them the right way to think, for they chose to listen and explore on their own. Their curiosity to learn encouraged them to see a bigger picture and keep wondering without drawing set conclusions. This was the secret of their positivity, their belief in a bigger picture to learn.
In life, we deal with a lot of dualities and can easily come away from situations with partial pictures based on our reactions. Positivity isn’t a magic switch that we can flip but it does exist. We can’t just be positive; we must want to find positivity and be willing to pursue it. Everyone will define it differently, but we can all know that to every bad there is a good that balances the full picture. Search for what is positive for you and dare to keep searching for something positive in every situation. Let discovery be your hope in Life.
Photo By: Jorge Gardner
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