Using MAD on Fear
As I listened to my husband and daughter review karate techniques, I was caught when they mentioned learning about contact, control and counter. As usual, I started imagining how I’d used similar tactics against fear to conquer who I am. Most of my fear rose around the issue of epilepsy and when I didn’t want to allow it to control me, I’d decide to Meet, Accept and Deflect.
Whenever concern for seizures arose to trigger fear and my initial reaction didn’t align with who I wanted to be, it was how I knew that I must meet the issue head-on. In choosing to meet it, I knew I had to deal with whatever I met because there was no controlling what I didn’t know and felt uncertain about. Acceptance was easier to do knowing that I entered the situation wanting to learn and grow the me I did not yet know. It gave me the only control I could have in uncertainty. Knowing that my aim was to become me, I was ready to deflect what wasn’t for me and redirect my actions and reactions to be who I wanted to be.
Though MAD started as a method to deal with epilepsy, it became my habit in all times of fear, insecurity and doubt. It became an internal signal that it was a time for growth. Discovering small bits of myself in every MAD experience has been a great joy that makes life worthwhile and full of discovery.
Photo By: Bruno Ngarukiye
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