Know For the Sake of Understanding

How many concussions have I had, even if I never had immediate symptoms?How did I know what and how to revive at that time?

How did my body hold and heal all the injuries?

How can I believe that life isn't a blessing?

~When you can finally know, it's best to know for the sake of understanding~

Every fall like a tree was a brain injury,

My dedication to appreciate and discover life was my perseverance.

My willingness to listen to what nobody else could hear led me to do what I must to keep going,

I've always believed I'm the luckiest person to have such intricate, diverse experiences.

This reflection was inspired after reading Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me By: Shireen Jeejeebhoy. Reading about what brain injury could do reawakened my long-held questions and wonder, and renewed my belief that I am one of the luckiest people alive to live such a unique life full of experiences. I will never have all the answers, but I'll always be grateful that Life believes in me!


For Your Difference Makes You Original


Life is About Trying While Knowing You