Life is About Trying While Knowing You

Life isn’t about proving what you can do,

Can't is the opportunity to find.

Life is about trying while knowing you.

Make the search to find what feels true,

Dare to go beyond body and mind.

Life isn't about proving what you can do.

There's no guarantee that you'll make it through,

But trying is a way to unwind.

Life is about trying while knowing you.

Consider all perspectives before deciding what to do,

Good intentions are a worthy bind.

Life isn't about proving what you can do.

To yourself, always remain true.

With yourself, be loving and kind.

Life is about trying while knowing you.

Take a moment to acknowledge how you made it through,

Your being is body, soul, and mind.

Life isn't about proving what you can do,

Life is about trying while knowing you.


Know For the Sake of Understanding


Rows of Plants