What She Wanted She Received
Her family said that it would be a big mistake;
Depending on perspective, they were all right and wrong.
What was expected of the brain surgery?
What was the desire behind each perspective?
She wanted peace of mind for the family;
A reason to believe that more was to be discovered.
She wanted her child to grow up without worry,
And to serve Life to the best of her ability.
Life had taught her to follow her heart,
To trust because control didn't belong to her.
She only wished for what Life deemed as best for all.
She went in knowing she'd find a new path to explore.
As I celebrate ten years since my brain surgery and stroke in January 2015, I'm reminded of the journey before and after that date. I admit that the decision messed with my life greatly, but it also presented me with the most valuable gifts: the opportunity to discover my true self and be a part of my daughter's life. I'm grateful for all the people who have stood by me and did what they could to help me. I've enjoyed traveling alongside you and hope that you, too, have found the opportunity to embrace yourself. I hope we continue growing and spreading love!
Family time I’m glad I didn’t miss in 2020
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