Warrior Facing Shadows

They must walk through the war paths they created to recognize the battles they’ve won. Though they desire to know who they are and cultivate appreciation for their successes, they are reluctant to face their own light. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. They know that they are not what happened to them, they are what they choose to become. Can they accept the privilege of becoming who they truly are and accept themselves completely? 

They wander the path of their warrior. They fought against the assumption of failure, choosing to go against the fear they were being fed. They repeatedly shrugged off the cloak of disability placed on them and were determined to prove that life isn’t as conclusive as we are taught to think. In their physical battles, they learned to quickly decipher what to hold onto and what to let go of. Their mind knew what to accept and what to ignore. They stood strong against doubts and worry, following their heart to meet what only they could hear. Never could they allow injury to prevent them from living. They preferred carrying their storm to missing experience. They aimed to live fully rather than succumb to circumstances. They preferred to grow than to gain approval from people around them. They listened for the voice that guided them and never let distraction prevent them from finding their true path. 

As they walk the paths that remind them of everything that cannot be, they are drawn to comparison, but they know that comparisons to others will lead them to resentment. They compare instead to what wouldn’t be if they had not chosen to listen to their heart. Where would their motivation have been? Would they have found one to hold onto? If they followed to appease others, would the promises have been true for them? They knew they could not know for sure, and they didn’t want to let go of what they’d come to treasure. What was once believed would never be but what existed would also disappear if they chose to ignore what was with them always. 



Recognize and Nourish Your Guiding Star


You are in Charge