Recognize and Nourish Your Guiding Star

Your thoughts are not a reflection of who you are. 

Perceptions spiced with lessons and expectations, 

Small seeds planted to bloom for approval. 

Whatever you choose to nourish deserves your full recognition, 

Your thoughts are not a reflection of who you are. 

Only what you believe with your heart is worthy of concentration, 

Thoughts of doubt, worry or shame causes an upheaval, 

External opinions may require reorganization. 

Your thoughts are not a reflection of who you are, 

What you decide to believe will be your guiding star. 


It’s a personal responsibility to make choices and become who we are. We pick up many teachings that will stick in our mind but what we decide to believe is up to us to recognize and nurture. We could decide to restart and empty all that we thought we knew to work with who we are becoming. Thoughts in a given moment are seeds planted but they are not a full reflection of who we are unless we have chosen to give it our attention to grow. What we’re taught cannot grow without our consent. 



Listen to What Leads You


Warrior Facing Shadows