Strife in Relationships

If you have sparked fear
Or aroused a reaction in them,
You have offered an awareness not yet uncovered.

Whatever is not your own is beyond your control,
It isn't personal until you make it so.
Constantly tune into who and where you are.

We are all messengers in our own light,
We share without fully knowing.
Let yourself be the universe in all actions.

Whatever they offer, you can receive.
Grow alongside them harmoniously,
Progress with whatever the universe requires in that moment.

Reflecting on the small strife in relationships and the measure of control or ownership we hold in them, my mind wandered to its role in the universe. There's always a reason for everything and sometimes there are multiple intentions that we don't yet can identify. Disruptions are discomforting challenges but it's the mystery of being within them that makes living a joyous experience.


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Beginner’s Mindset: Embracing Who You Are