Courage, Whether Loud or Quiet
It takes courage to stand and speak,
It's wise to know your ground.
Whether loud or quiet, you are not weak.
Take time to observe the sounds,
Get a feel for what you believe,
Measure your purpose before you hound.
Greatness is what you hope to achieve,
What if now is your time to sit back?
It matters what you've come to perceive.
Staying quiet doesn't mean you slack,
For you need time to view the picture and find what's true.
Sometimes, you're searching for a hidden track.
Before you act, remember to act as you.
It takes courage to stand and speak,
Make sure it's a cause worth seeing through.
Whether loud or quiet, you are not weak.
Inspired by “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” -Winston Churchill, they considered how courage required them to be wise of the purpose. It was important to explore different angles of a topic to get a feel for what they believed before they projected onto others. Greatness was always something to strive toward and sometimes they had to stay quiet and observe to clarify their perception. Being quiet didn’t mean that they weren’t doing anything, for silence helped them discern the truth that could lie beneath the chaos. Whenever they acted, they made sure to be who they are. It took courage to stand up and be who they are. They felt empowered to be a part of a cause that they believed in. Whether they were loud or quiet in their contributions, they were bravely taking part in a purpose they understood.
Photo By: Matthew Osborn
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