A Universal Aspiration

It's the ascension of spirit, 

The soul awakening. 

The heart's enlightenment, 

A universal goal desired by all. 


It's a trek through the forest of shadows, 

A mountain climb to reach summit. 

It's the dropping of years of gathered baggage, 

A transformation earned in earnest. 


A voyage to discover new territory to pioneer, 

A treasure hunt to honor what was. 

The adventure to appreciate what is to feel present, 

A rising hope for your authenticity as you are. 


There is no one way to describe a universal aspiration, 

But we grow when respecting all possibilities. 

We are all guided in divergent ways at separate times, 

Simultaneously, we step forward in distinct styles. 


A spiritual awakening is a universal aspiration that is unique to each soul. There are many foundational methods for getting started and the journey will solely belong to the voyager. We journey amongst others at our own pace and we each will gain our own understanding, experience and connection. It's a journey alone while with others and you are the only person who can decide, know and appreciate the transformation. To walk alone is not to be alone, it is the intention to know who you are and become the best version of yourself.  



Never Discourage Anyone


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