Believe in the Power of Will

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill.

No matter the tumble taken in Life's turbulence.

A light constantly shines on a path forward.

Explore the darkness and shadows of doubt.

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill.

Return to your light when you can't figure life out,

Keep searching throughout without expecting a set reward.

Accept the blessing and growth in each occurrence,

Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill.

Hold your light from within and believe in the power of will.

I wrote this while in a moment of many changes. I want to stop, yet that part of me that keeps going is telling me to see it through. Though I wonder how I keep going, the hope that I hold never wants to go out. It tells me that there is something new to discover. "When You Believe" is a song I listen to when I'm overwhelmed. It reminds me of my past journey and helps nudge me into the upcoming chapter.


The Experience


Conflicted Thoughts