When Your Role Catches Up to You

There comes a time when your role catches up to you.

Chosen by necessity or calling,

Not always planned or desired.

When it no longer fits, it feel appalling,

There comes a time when your role catches up to you.

To never change would be a way of stalling,

To let it go is to let what you know be retired.

~Looking back on it, your sense of self feels like it’s falling~

There comes a time when your role catches up to you,

When acceptance to start anew is inspiration to pursue.

Every soul has a role to play. Roles are applied in the moment and are continued through necessity. We play our roles while not always realizing them and it can be shocking to reflect on what we accomplished. To never change roles would stall growth and not admit that we don’t always have to be. Letting go accepts change and makes one feel lost but it’s important to review ourselves. Starting anew is a sound reason to continue discovering.


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Moment to Revive