Awareness Can Come From Anywhere

Where's awareness when mind travels everywhere?

What binds our mind tightly alters our conscious thoughts.

Emotions and fears create powerful haunters,

Aim to trust our heart but the mind doesn't go there.

What has bound our mind become unknown preventers,

The goal to find balance for our self becomes naught.

What brings us awareness can come from anywhere.

This poem is my reflection on the recent realization that I've lived chunks of my life without conscious awareness due to what bound my mind at the time. It's odd looking back to know that I belonged to something but not having felt like I did. Finding balance is hard when you feel half there for whatever reason. As I've dedicated myself to excavating my life to find my truth, I've noticed that awareness can come from anywhere when we choose to let go of our emotions and fears.


Moment to Revive


Failure is a Key for Passage