We Are Not A Race

We are not a race,

We are a species.

We are humans among other species of life.

We are not competing,

We are trying to survive.

We all belong in the unity of love.

We are all unique,

We all have a reason to be here.

We all contribute to the love in life.

We are not a race,

We are a species.

We are neighbors and friends to other species of life.

Race: n. a contest of speed, v. to engage in a contest.

Species: n. A class of individuals having some common characteristics.

I’ve always wondered why humans separate differences as a race and create separation by competing. After reading the definitions, I couldn’t continue to accept the races because all species are unique contributors and required to sustain life. Humans are a species, neighboring friend to all other species.


We Are All Different, But of the Same Species


A Long Journey