A Long Journey

A long journey can offer much to start

Making it hard to see what's at finish

So many decisions, where to begin?

Will I be able to see it to end?

I'll only know if I choose to commence

Persevere the journey, so I conclude

What will I find when I choose to conclude?

I'm still doubtful if I should even start

I'm not always ready when I commence

Or if I will know how to reach finish

I cannot know what is to be the end

I can only choose my right to begin.

There's much to do when a journey begins

Not all ideas are plans to conclude

I simply do not want to know the end

For knowing may prevent me from the start

I will know when I get to the finish

In the present, I must simply commence

My own passions would prod me to commence

With a single step, the journey begins

No need to concentrate on the finish

There's very little to which I conclude

I need to launch spirit right from the start

Without it, the journey may, too soon, end

Try not to begin thinking of the end

Explore the various paths to commence

So much grows when you choose to make a start

Uncertainty rises, so you begin

Stay calm when not knowing how it concludes

You may not actually want to finish

Be proud when you've been there start to finish

A journey accomplished is not the end

Ponder all to decide how it concludes

Always remain open to recommence

Whenever it ends, it's time to begin,

Don't let adversity give you a start.

When you finish, turn around and commence.

Treat every end as a chance to begin.

At every start, remember, don't conclude.


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