Surrender to Welcome Change

They woke to a pounding head and felt sensations coursing through the disabled parts of their body. They were once again reminded of what isn’t, but they chose to wonder about what is. If they allow their self to be patient with the process, what will be revealed to them? The answers can only manifest with action, which means they must make a choice now and be willing to follow it through to discover what it means to them. 

They make the choice to endure the pain for now while keeping open to whatever will come. They choose to believe that answers will be revealed when they are ready to accept the message. Though they’ve chosen to let go of their control in the moment, they are controlling the thought process that could have gone astray without their choice to embrace the experience. 

Though answers don’t always appear right away, a surrender to the situation is a way of welcoming change, where letting go is the action of opening a door to welcome more in. When not knowing, trusting is a way to prepare to flow. Admittance of what we can’t control frees us from holding back from what awaits us.  


Trust in the Process


Holding Onto Your Values