Subtle Messages

They woke up feeling a lame energy throughout their body. Their mind started to search for immediate answers for why that was. They didn’t like the pain they felt and started to question if they wanted to proceed. In their frustration to accept what was, their mind started doubting their ability to cope and question their purpose. They wanted to throw in the towel and conclude that it wasn’t for them, but their heart couldn’t accept a rushed defeat. Why was their body lame today? For what reason should they slow down and alter their plans? Could the success they imagined still be a possibility? 

In life, we receive subtle messages that encourage us to be more aware of the big picture and reassess the role we created for ourselves. It could be a disagreement or ailment that makes us stop and react. Though we don’t understand at the moment, listening helps us to take care of ourselves inwardly before we step out. It helps us to know ourselves before joining others. When your body or environment seems to stop you in your track, take a moment to assess yourself and work with what is. Try not to assume the worst or place blame, discover the path you’re being guided towards. 



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