Recognize Your Efforts

They were aware that they needed to step out to have their message shared. They felt tentative to enter the competitive arena that could threaten their well-being. They desired interaction but it was something they had to take cautiously. They had many supporters that believed in their potential, but they had yet to understand the workings of their person. No matter how promising the potential seemed, they could not commit to something they didn't feel they could accomplish safely. 

They made their changes gradually and attempted to reach out one post at a time on media. They were assumed to be quiet and tentative but only they could know the courage it took to confirm a share. 

In life, we are caught by the demands of society and the unconscious nag to fit in rouses self-doubt. No matter how our actions can be interpreted, it is up to us to know our purpose and recognize the effort we make to be who we are. Our life is incomparable to another on many levels and it’s up to us to know who we are and where we are headed. No matter how small an effort might appear, nobody can know its significance but us. 



Life is Exactly as It Should Be


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