Detect, Dissect and Reflect

For every revelation that sprouts in my life, I tend to follow a Detect, Dissect and Reflect path before I know what it is. Something unexpected happens and I react to the situation. After the initial reaction passes, I detect the situation to understand what happened and why I reacted the way I did. 

When I detect something unpleasant or ‘not me' in my reaction, I start dissecting connections to past experiences and why I may have a biased thought at that moment. 

An example of this is when someone approaches me with an opinion, and I’m opposed to their thought and start arguing with them. In argument, I sound like I’m against this person but what they presented triggered and unresolved issue in myself and has nothing to do with them. This is when I dissect what I didn’t resolve, what happened then and how it applies to now. 

When I have pieces from now and then, I focus on how I'd like to be, reflect on what patterns need to be dropped to better myself and what I can do to stay on track. 

A revelation, to me, is when I've met a discomfort, recognized its many pieces and found a new lesson to take forward with me. To reach the joyous Aha moment of growth, I sometimes must travel through the darker parts of myself, but I trust that Life is guiding me and I'm keen to listen. It's a blessing to understand how past uncomfortable events have added to the me of today. Life never ceases to amaze me with its synchronicity, and it reminds me to stay open and patient when I'm uncomfortable and without understanding. 

Photo By: William Felipe Seccon 

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