Correlate with the Universe

Have you ever sensed the energy of your greatness and felt that you may be too much for other people? Did sensing yourself cause you to fear sharing yourself? If ever you feel a moment when you feel too much of your own energy, try not to shrink yourself into less. Find a way to understand what you’re feeling and connect with the experience.  

When you feel like you're too much, don't compare yourself to others. Instead, take a moment to correlate with the universe. The universe is a large mass of energy that touches all yet doesn't interfere with the diverse sources. It shares all around, gives where it's needed and takes when something has exceeded abundance. When an area has been in drought, the universe works to gather until the clouds are heavy and ready to give. And when an area requires a revival, it sends a catastrophe to clean the slate. Though the workings of the universe may get misinterpreted, it works hard to spread its energy fairly.  

When you take a moment to correlate with the universe, ask yourself if your intentions are fair and consider how spreading your energy is your way of sharing. We can't control how others perceive us, but we do know why we choose to share. Hiding our energy is a disruption to ourselves and it deprives others of the energy that's meant to flow between us. The next time you feel an abundance of energy flowing through you, don't let your fear shrink or hide who you are. Ask yourself why you're feeling an abundance of energy, review your purpose and let yourself flow with it when you know that you're not intentionally out to offend. Embrace who you are, decide how you want to share your energy and flow with the blessings life offers. 



My Advocate and Nemesis 


Know This When Experiencing Fear