After Abundance
After a season filled with abundance,
Fulfillment is craved and lingers in our hearts.
-Life feels barren to prevent redundance-
The shift for balance forces us to part,
Our hearts know it's the time for a new start.
Start from the ground up to reawaken.
Don't let the barren feel keep you shaken,
Search within to find your hidden power.
Concentrate on what you will be making
And let your beauty bloom like a flower.
After a rush of abundance has passed through, a longing for fulfillment is newly craved and remains lingering in the heart. Life seems barren after a completion, ready to spark us anew with something unknown. A surge of growth makes us shift to a new balance and may be asking us to depart. Our heart will know when it’s time for a new start, and we will grow from the ground up to reawaken. Don’t let the silence make you feel shaken, search within for a hidden power. Concentrate on what you’re becoming and let your beauty bloom like the flower you are.
Photo By: Gabriel
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