Find the Possible in the I'm-possible

Inspired from watching ‘Rising Phoenix’ on Netflix, a documentary on the Paralympic Games and how they impact a global understanding of disability, diversity and excellence. I was feeling the experience of embracing disability to find your person on my own journey.

Find the possible in the I'm-possible,

Discover a way to move away from what holds you back,

Follow a passion and make it probable.

Situations seem to prove that you lack,

Hunt for a method to prove what you've been told wrong,

Discover a way to move away from what holds you back.

With faith and spirit, you are strong,

Strength grows in difficulty,

Hunt for a method to prove what you've been told wrong.

One scenario doesn't tell the story entirely,

Many perspectives make understanding easier.

Strength grows in difficulty.

Offer forth what may differ,

You don't have to know in order to achieve,

Many perspectives make understanding easier.

Break down barriers and believe,

Find the possible in the I'm-possible.

You don't have to know in order to achieve,

Follow a passion and make it probable.


I Shall Pierce!


It's Up to Me