Live to Find More

It was known,

Yet, not admitted.

Perfection, a feared barrier.

Accept the truth,

Perfect as is.

Dismiss talk,

Search within to know.

To each their own understanding.

Live to find more,

Accept the truth.

Don’t ignore,

Make use of what is.

Not-knowing is to get to know.

Keep exploring,

Live to find more.

We walk through life knowing our truth, yet the influences that surround us lure us to aim for the illusion of perfection. The truth remains and is perfect as is. It’s a long journey to find the ability to dismiss external talk and search within. No matter what conclusion we come to, its ours to own.There will come a time when the truth can no longer be ignored. Even if it feels ugly, it is ours to own and it offers much when we choose to accept it. When you’ve traveled as an unknowing person, it’s because you were journeying to get to know. It’s okay to keep exploring. Be alive to find more!

This post reflects my recent discoveries and the journey that got me to realize. “Live to find more” is the mantra I’ve adopted when I chose to face the ugly head-on. The ugly doesn’t stay ugly when you’re up to discovering more.


Life is Wonderful!


I was Intended to Wander in Solitude