Each is Their Own Type of Warrior

Heed not the rants of a worrier,

Stay open, for each is their own type of warrior.

Hear stories to widen perspective,

Make effort to not be subjective.

Stay open, for each is their own type of warrior,

Embark on the adventure that is yours alone.

Make effort to not be subjective,

Embrace experience and go with the flow.

Embark on the adventure that is yours alone,

Expand your horizon and intermingle with greater purpose.

Embrace experience and go with the flow,

Become all that you dream and envision.

Expand your horizon and intermingle with greater purpose,

Hear stories to widen perspective.

Become all that you dream and envision,

Heed not the rants of a worrier.

This poem was inspired by a memory of a time when a fall didn't worry me until I listened to another person's worry of what the situation could've been. Worry is care but it's our responsibility how to utilize that care.


The Journey of Discovery


Care for Yourself