
Perfection, an antidote for control and power.

Assume not that there is completion,

There is no power in being able to predict what is desired at all times,

Believe not the illusion that there is no change.

Believe not the illusion that there is no change,

What was once a dream will evolve with you.

Assume not that there is completion,

For more will be continually found to grow.

For more will be continually found to grow,

When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

What was once a dream will evolve with you,

Consider errors as opportunities to learn.

Consider errors as opportunities to learn,

Assume not that there is completion,

When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

Believe not the illusion that there is no change.

This poem reflects my love for imperfection and what I believe it to mean. It was inspired to me after I read about Wabi Sabi, a Japanese philosophy where beauty is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. I loved the advice to adopt the perfection of being imperfectly you.


Faith Remains


Come from a Place of Personal Integrity