Positive Flipside

If I cannot, I will be viewed as weak.

If I am vulnerable, I am susceptible to cruelty.

If I don't know, I am stupid.

If I can't follow, I won't be accepted.

~ But who's to say that the world holds only negative assumptions. ~

If I cannot, I will be viewed as brave for trying.

If I am vulnerable, I am finding strength in who I am.

If I don’t know, I have opportunities to grow.

If I can’t follow, I will be authentic while following my heart.

Reflecting on negative fears that prevent a person from living, I wanted to explore the positive flipside of those thoughts. Looking back, negative thoughts often began when I worried about what others may think. That is something nobody has control over and isn’t worth our time. We mean to do well, and we can only live out the thoughts we create.


Time to Step Out of the Box


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