Life Doesn't Wait, Life Offers

Change inevitably happens

Life doesn't wait until we feel ready.

We tend to think that it's unfair,

Yet, Life never offers what we can't handle.

Truth stings and turns us to look for the other way,

Life doesn't wait until we feel ready.

We don't feel ready to face what is,

Yet, Life never offers what we can't handle.

Diversity interrupts set plans,

Life doesn't wait until we feel ready.

Chaos feels overwhelming,

Yet, Life never offers what we can't handle.

Life doesn't wait until we feel ready,

It moves forward with its own plan in motion.

Yet, Life never offers what we can't handle,

Life believes in us and knows we'll survive.

I wrote this to reflect on changes after hearing my daughter question what she must face in her life. We're all challenged in life with moments of disbelief, yet we're all guided to what we're meant to be.


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