Nintai: Perseverance
Artwork by Naomi Mizuguchi-Muehlberg of Naomi’s Custom Creations & NM Woodland Designs
Nintai: adherence to your decided course of action. It represents perseverance, patience and endurance
A smile amidst the strokes of communication
Climbing out to endure what is
Openly facing yet another day
Ready to grow and become.
Adhere to the choice of your heart
Meet whatever opposes you with wonder
There’s always more to discover
Enjoy the journey throughout!
Even before searching for the exact meaning of this kanji, it spoke to me. Knowing that it translates to perseverance, my favorite trait, I saw it as a smile that is buried under a heavy load. To stay on track in achieving perseverance, it was my goal to never stop smiling amidst the journey of life.I found a translation of this kanji on
. This kanji is made of two symbols. The first symbol is a blade and the second one is a heart/spirit.