Love Will Continue Trying

Maddened am I when you appear maddened

Confused spirits, your response is confused

Saddened is all when your ways are saddened

Refused by myself, you all but refused

Darkness ascends as your love's in darkness

Hope fades as there's no more light to fuel hope

Wholeness is lost in the search for wholeness

Scope of your love is hardly a clear scope

Love will continue trying to meet love

Light ignites me when I glimpse your love's light

Above, my heart soars, for there's no above

Bright we'll both be when our love's well and bright

Strong bonds of love remain forever strong.

Wrongs disappear, accept we’re right and wrong.

Though we must turn away and appear unloving in times of conflict, it is a way of sorting our emotions so we can be more loving. Every relationship is a work in progress.


Desire a Positive Change in the World


Hope to Find a Blossom