Small Delights Constitute Happiness

Inspired by "A multitude of small delights constitute happiness." -Charles Baudelaire

Throughout my life, I've wondered if my life was lacking only when comparing it to an ideal vision of what I want or what I imagined should be. Despite not having a life that's understood or desired by others, I'm grateful for many small things that add up to add constant enjoyment to my life.

I'm grateful for being alive,

To see, feel and experience.

I'm fortunate to marry for love

And be surrounded by the support of family.

I'm lucky to feel a connection in every experience,

And be aware of the growth all around me.

I'm thankful to have a safe and comfortable home

And to be a part of the nature that surrounds me.

I'm content to have creativity that motivates me,

And I'm grateful to have the courage to share.

When the gifts of Life aren't feeling big or abundant, take time to appreciate the small joys and let the magic of appreciation consume you with love.


Power of a Smile


Spread Love with a Smile