A Pawn in the Game of Life

Active pawn playing in Creator's objective.

Always have a part, though not as we may have planned,

Knights and bishops cross our path throughout the journey.

-An open mind is key, not being reactive-

Wonder seizes us when it's hard and not easy,

Fear and anger tempt us when we're feeling unmanned,

Perseverance and willpower keep us active.

Reflecting on disappointing moments when small things don't go my way, I was remembering that we are active pieces in the game of Life. We fight for control, but we can never have full control. It takes a lot of trust to flow through the journey created for our person. Sometimes we know and sometimes we don't, it takes openness, perseverance and willpower to remain in the game and keep going. There's always so much to meet and discover!


Flow with Life


Desperate Times Lead to Desperate Measures