

A journey back to what was?

Hanging onto the last thread of familiarity?

Recovery is a journey beyond


A destination of safety and comfort?

A stone step for triumph?

Normalcy is finding peace with what is.


A venture away from the familiar?

Can I let go to grow?

Development is the trust to find new threads.


A fool's balance between what was and what's needed?

Will I recognize myself after change?

Progress is the transformation into Greatness.

Recovery is a huge topic nowadays and it's one that has been my dream for many years. When I speak to others, I hear the desire to go backwards in time. Though I've been tempted by this in my recovery, I feel the choice would forfeit a valued growth. I feel the return to normalcy has nothing to do with going back to what was. I feel it's more about embracing what is and finding our place in it.To recover, we must accept what was, venture forth not-knowing and patiently ride the waves of development to progress into more Greatness.


Accepting Truth and Embracing Reality


For You Grow Stronger With Every Hit