As a Parent

As a parent, there is no shaping for what will be

For what will be isn't yet a reality

As a parent, there is no knowing what twists and turns will appear

For there is only the present that you can steer

As a parent, there is no telling how you should become

For only you can gather to determine the sum

As a parent, there is a fine line between right and wrong

For whichever you choose, you will grow strong

As a parent, there is no forcing what, to me, is known

For throughout your journey, you will be shown

As a parent, there is only trying my best to pass you the values

For they will keep you grounded as you discover what's true for you.

As a parent, I've been reviewing the different ways of parenting to find a way I can best support my daughter. I used to think that parents were supposed to know for their child and have all the answers, but I've realized how untrue that is. A parent is not here to shape their children into what they want, know everything or ensure that their children know everything they do. A parent is here to share what they know, be patient as their buds grow and try their best to support their child in the ways they can. Overall, it is love, the universal nutrient, that will keep us growing together and united.


Flowers Bloom


Look for the Best, Prepare for the Worst