The Greatest Threat to Our Planet

News broadcasts started raving about the upcoming International Ecological Summit being organized to get politicians to state their plans to save the planet. Geraldine was sitting amongst her high school friends, wondering about when and if the leaders of the world would place Mother Earth in high priority.

"These politicians need to set some actions for us to follow. They can't be all talk and no action." her friend George stated.

"Yeah! How do they expect us to remember the Earth if they keep selling us the pollution? They need to set the rules!" Julianne exclaimed.

The school janitor, who happened to be cleaning up after the teenagers, paused and gave the group a thoughtful gaze. "Sounds like you are concerned about Mother Earth and wish to see a change." he observed. When they all nodded in agreement, he said, "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. I'd love to see you guys make some changes to start your movement!"

Inspired by "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." -Robert Swan


Vital for Nature


Enlightenment Process