Lack of Freedom

It felt like a transition where humans lacked freedom,
I believe humans are being warned for taking freedom for granted.
We can't continue to pretend that we rule the world,
With greed to possess, we can't continue to be enchanted.

It's time to stop denying that we're part of Nature,
Don't ignore that what we do comes with consequences.
We must step back to let healing take its course,
Stop our complaints to let Life achieve its essence.

We don't have freedom if we've imprisoned another,
We don't have power if we continue to dwell
This is a time to give back for all we've taken,
Lend our trust in not-knowing with hope that all will eventually be well.

Throughout the pandemic, people concentrate on the lack of freedom that is felt. I believe this is a sign that freedom has been taken for granted. Humans have indulged in their ability to create and take over; we've lost sight of the respect required to be in unity with the rest of the world.
A resolution to the pandemic isn't about going back to getting what we want, I think it's about taking responsibility and working hard to unite with all that surrounds us.


Become Who You're Meant To Be


Breathing In and Out