We are Sharing in the Life That Sustains

Under your branches,

-Amidst the singing leaves-

I am cooled by your shadow

As we share our breath.

I am taking from you,

As you are giving to me,

We are sharing in the life that sustains.

Divinity starts within your roots,

-Shared in the air that surrounds-

I am enchanted by your beauty

And the strength that you hold

I want to give back to you

And let you take from me.

We are sharing in the life that sustains.

You hold carbon within

-Enduring to make your contribution-

A motivation to do the same

An inspiration to stand for life

I want to honor the life we share

And stand tall for Mother Earth.

We are sharing in the life that sustains.

Watching Indigenous people from around the world fighting against fossil fuels from their lands and forests, I was inspired to reflect on the gifts a tree provides. In many ways I question the ways that I live and long to reconnect with Mother Earth. I believe it is with love and respect that we can share in the life that sustains. Without material wealth, we can stand strong and united in a life that speaks to our soul.


The Labyrinth of Life


We Are All Different, But of the Same Species