When You're Open to Learn

To correct is assuming perfect,

-Denying not-knowing-

Listening without respect,

Too caught up in proving.

Open the realm of your attention,

Absorb the various gifts to earn.

You decide what's worthy for retention.

There is no perfect when you're open to learn.

Failure isn't a flaw against you,

It's a charm to add to character.

Only you decide how it is true,

Or the measure of how much it matters.

Follow your heart as you turn the page,

Allow your defaults to cause you to yearn.

Make no reason to turn on the rage,

There is no perfect when you're open to learn.

So many mishaps can happen when we assume to know what is right and strive hard to appear 'perfect'. I always wonder if we're truly meant to know. In choosing to be open, we catch the many gifts offered and are more aware to choose what we want to keep. There is no perfection when you're open to learning.

Failure isn't a flaw; it adds depth to our character. We decide what is true about our person and what memories to keep. When negativity arises, use it as fuel to go after what you yearn for. There's no gain in remaining in a rage because there is no perfection when you're open to learning.


When You're Dreaming