Be Vulnerable

Visibility of true self, to uphold authenticity.

Unarmored and open to accept the gifts of life.

Love and compassion to guide your perceptions,

Naked truths to discover the roots of reality.

Emotional awareness to make conscious decisions,

Release of control to respect the flow of life.

Accountable shame that shapes who you are;

Birth of pride recognizing the unique qualities you possess.

Liable to fearful doubts intended for strength of character

Exposed weaknesses to accept you’re human.

I found accepting my vulnerability was a scary and enlightening experience. Entering the journey, my mind was clouded by expectations I thought I had to follow. In fighting vulnerability, I wasn’t being my true self and my thoughts weren’t guided by love and compassion. I went into situations wearing a suit of armor and missed the gifts life offered me. The naked truths hurt and respecting them helped me to look at my reality

Emotions cloud my mind and being vulnerable built my awareness to make me own my decisions. Release of the control I thought I’d have by following expectations helped me to flow with life and perceive my shame as the tools that shaped me. Pride in my person awakened when I openly accepted the unique qualities I possess.

Everyone is liable to fearful doubts because they’re there to help us practice as we work to build our strength of character. All exposed weaknesses help us to understand that we are human and worthy of love.

7 responses to “Be Vulnerable”

  1. rothpoetry Avatar

    The naked truths hurt and respecting them helped me to look at my reality

    This a great statement that really sums up what vulnerability is all about.
    A very hear-felt naked introspection of your life! Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Astrid's Words Avatar
      Astrid’s Words

      Thanks, Dwight 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. hardlinesheavytimes Avatar

    The last line of this post is, and always will be, very relevant to being healthy. Thank you for your words, for the emotion and truth they hold.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Astrid's Words Avatar
      Astrid’s Words


      Liked by 1 person

  3. theheartistway Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this dear! I know being vulnerable is the most courageous act in the world. Exposing your true self isn’t easy. If it is people have done it. But it takes really about knowing yourself to be vulnerable with the world. I have posted authenticity on my blog too.. you may check it out


    1. Astrid's Words Avatar
      Astrid’s Words

      Thank you for leading me to your site. Great words to fortify my courage. I’m glad we’re sharing.


      1. theheartistway Avatar

        Thank you too! I’m grateful I discovered this app. I really love connecting to people on the same journey, being drawn to each other creates an organic connection that putting my blogs on facebook. Thank yooou💖


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