Belief is Responsibility

To have a belief is to have confidence in what you foresee. Finding a belief becomes a responsibility because the trust we convey creates a duty to make it a truth. Within our lives, we will face many trials that examine the belief we have in our person. From the assortment of events and perspectives that a person may encounter, it conforms the expression of a belief into a fear due to desire to have others agree with our person.

In the moments when we are discovering our person, we confront the wish to have understanding from another person and find others who share our visions. Agreement is not always met and the search for understanding transforms into a responsibility to maintain our belief and to convert our vision into a reality. What may our chosen responsibility entail? A person will never have the control to fully know; they will only have the choice to determine if they are willing to find out.

In each and every individual, we will develop our own set of beliefs and maintain our own set of responsibilities. We will all be introduced to a variety of knowledge from a vast collection of sources but it will be up to our person to establish the beliefs and responsibilities meant for our individual person. A desired choice may cause us to experience a feeling of displacement from the community around us but when we hold a strong conviction and are certain that it is our place, then we will feel free to follow our person.

Have strong faith in your personal belief and acknowledge that your difference gives you reason to work on the person you are meant to be. Never dismiss the belief that you trust in to conform to the ways of another being. Feel free to be accountable for the vision you wish to have as your reality. Be the person that you are in the ways that you know how and accept all experiences as a part of your development. Go out and live your life joyously as the person that you are.

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